
Showing posts from September, 2021

6 Steps Towards Implementing Change in an Organization

Effective leaders have the ability to implement long-term change in an organization. It is a key skill that will enhance the company’s ability to compete in the future and increase its performance. Knowing how to help others understand the reasons for change, leverage the advantages of change, and manage the risks associated with change are all fundamental to success. Successfully leading others through the change process is not an easy task. Some people will always have a tendency to view change in a negative light. Change comes with the loss of a familiar way of doing things. Individuals who are comfortable relying on past experience may feel less secure or uncomfortable knowing that they’ll need to develop new skills to move forward. Great leaders know how to implement change and understand how to help people move through the discomfort that comes with change. They appreciate the benefits associated with doing business in a new way. They help people understand that change comes wit

When should I rewrite my Will?

As we know the importance and benefit to have a will, let us zoom into the section of rewriting a will. S ome of the reasons that we need to rewrite  a will   include the following events: Marriage.  You will want to include your new spouse in your will. Besides, m aking a new will is also a good idea for same-sex married couples . Better to be safe and revise your will to include your spouse in a same-sex marriage. Divorce.  This is an important reason to  revise a will  or  make a new will . Your  last will  is invalid if it gives part or all of your estate to your former spouse. however, to prevent dispute, please do a rewrite.  A new relationship where there is no marriage.   If you were to die without including your domestic partner in your will, your partner will not inherit anything. You can   amend a will  so that your partner is included in your estate plan. Both of you should consider updating your   wills . A new baby.  It’s important to  update a will  upon the birth or