
Showing posts from June, 2023

#35 The Old Farmer's lesson

THE OLD FARMER - Moral Story Of The Day. There was a successful old farmer who grew tomatoes for many years. One day, his grandson told him. "Grandfather, I want to achieve great things in life and make all of my dreams come true. What are the things I should avoid?" The farmer paused for a moment and said. "First of all, you should avoid procrastination. Secondly, you should never be afraid to fall. Thirdly, don't ever fool yourself. But the most important of them all, I won't tell you yet" The boy asked. "Why grandfather?" The farmer responded. "I will tell you at the appropriate time" One week later, the farmer took his grandson to his tomato field for the first time. He showed him a large portion of land where he grew some of his tomatoes. When the farmer saw how amazed the little boy was, he asked him. "How do you see them?" The boy replied. "They look very healthy. Their stems are solid, their leaves are green and the