[Jin] 3-6-2020 - Ultimate Estate Planning FOCUS to be professional

- Multiple incomes:
- In lieu of the main business.
- e.g. Estate Planning + Insurance + General Insurance.
- Built Income, not to build fame.

- Last time work for fame - sell endowment all the way.
- Now have family, have to be practical. Long term income, not to get controlled by the agency's direction. Function in a good manner, and fine-tune.
- Improvement thru the journey.
- Stability & Long term income.

Interruption (Client calling):
Jin's skill to close Wasiat (Using Hibah, Harta Sepencarian, Faraid)
- Subject to Faraid, Wasi cost is high.
- Al-Salihih, RM 1500 - RM 2000 (Standard)
- Harta Sepencarian. RM 1000 + 1 off.
(Good): Greet- Abang

1) Not a issue
2) Give an opportunity
3) Not angry, just serve clients
4) Apply knowledge & skills

Give value
After presentation, need to pull the client back
Look, what is next step (make client engagement)

Closed Insurance, and neglected the Estate Planning
- Good impression
- Prevent to forgot the will & trust.
- It is easier to close will & trust. 
- Not important but very urgent.
- Focus this closed estate planning client, get referral.
- 100% well plan, refer people.

For Ervin (by Jin)
Jeff Chong - Good leader
- How to position myself | Draw it down, strategize
- Won't be in a position that worry about income.
CTP - che da pao!!! Talk to client
[Good Idea] RM 100,000/yr Insurance.
RM 2000/mth passive income
3rd year, income is stable, can start strategize
Self Employ Mindset: Will RM 100k (RM 50k income)
Tips: Minimize expenses, building up sales/ strategy
Focus on what I want todo. Slowly focus on what you really want.

Financial Advisory (Jin Planning)
-RW 2000/mth - 4 cases RM 1000 = RM 2000 $
- Focus on activity base, not focus on 100k Club

The system is controlling you
We got to control the system
Re-align back, FOCUS

FOCUS on what you want first
Set it clear, let go of others
e.g. Protect 50 couple within a year.
next, find market (eg. same age?)
solution: 50 joint trusts & 100 wills
- Funding (have or not have, is ok) - Insurance
-Slowly work on the other way
method: zoom, meeting etc
[FOCUS] to find a way to function.
- Self manifestation. More function well with own goal.
- Visualize, see community grow, people joining, goal.
- Free space, start working. Making a different, on top on the skill we learn,
knowledge we can apply, make things simple, freedom.
- Family have income, comfortable. Resourceful.

Collaboration | 100K Club
In life to be a trainer, there is some skill, that works well.
Need someone to talk to you, and use it, turn it up into a platform, that make a very big different.
A Mission, draw down with a vision.
Put time down, to build something new.

1F1T - Feedback
- Sell the whole idea -
- Public: win win win -

Goal - Avengers
Cannot make everyone happy
They have different value
Focus: brief, reach out, recruit the people who have the same value
Do not please everyone

Shares some video & end session before 10:30PM


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