
Showing posts from 2021

Setting up Trust - by Shinn & Richard

Rockwills Family Trust Talk The misconception of setting up Trust: Trust is only for the rich (Misconception) How much do I need to set up a family trust? Q&A How much is the fee for Setting up a trust? Maintenance, 0.75% - 0.5% What if the fund fully utilizes earlier than our planning (e.g. kid undergoes surgery, insufficient trust fund) Will the Trust End even our kids are still underage? YES: You have to have enough Funding. Prepare extra funding. Other benefits: e.g. Orchard, who need special skills, if you pass down to the kids, they might not be able to manage. Trustee hire professional to manage for you

6 Steps Towards Implementing Change in an Organization

Effective leaders have the ability to implement long-term change in an organization. It is a key skill that will enhance the company’s ability to compete in the future and increase its performance. Knowing how to help others understand the reasons for change, leverage the advantages of change, and manage the risks associated with change are all fundamental to success. Successfully leading others through the change process is not an easy task. Some people will always have a tendency to view change in a negative light. Change comes with the loss of a familiar way of doing things. Individuals who are comfortable relying on past experience may feel less secure or uncomfortable knowing that they’ll need to develop new skills to move forward. Great leaders know how to implement change and understand how to help people move through the discomfort that comes with change. They appreciate the benefits associated with doing business in a new way. They help people understand that change comes wit

When should I rewrite my Will?

As we know the importance and benefit to have a will, let us zoom into the section of rewriting a will. S ome of the reasons that we need to rewrite  a will   include the following events: Marriage.  You will want to include your new spouse in your will. Besides, m aking a new will is also a good idea for same-sex married couples . Better to be safe and revise your will to include your spouse in a same-sex marriage. Divorce.  This is an important reason to  revise a will  or  make a new will . Your  last will  is invalid if it gives part or all of your estate to your former spouse. however, to prevent dispute, please do a rewrite.  A new relationship where there is no marriage.   If you were to die without including your domestic partner in your will, your partner will not inherit anything. You can   amend a will  so that your partner is included in your estate plan. Both of you should consider updating your   wills . A new baby.  It’s important to  update a will  upon the birth or

Do you know the Importance of Will Writing?

 Do you know, more than 90% of the adult Malaysians have not written their Wills? Why writing a will is so important? With a will, you can decide: The guardian of choice to take care of your children Your trusted executor to carry out your wishes and settle your debts What assets to give and how much Who to inherit With a Will, you may also avoid the long delays in distributions! Set an appointment with us! We listen to you and plan for your legacy. Making your wishes comes true. (click the above button to schedule 30 minutes free consultation for will writing) Follow our channels: Youtube Channel | Facebook Page | LinkedIn Profile

Ervin Ling | Estate Planning

Contact details: Please find below - Some useful links for Will & Trust Planning 1). Set an appointment with Ervin: 30 Minutes Free Estate Planning Consultation 2). Whatapps for enquiry thru texting 3). Facebook Page | Ervin Ling - Estate Planning Specialist 4). | Ervin Ling's E-Name Card 5). Website - Under Construction


  美国哈佛大学研究则找出9个致穷习惯会阻人发达。到底是甚么? 哈佛研究:9个习惯会让你变穷 随著时代的发展,所有人都喜欢看视频、图片,喜欢听人讲故事,凡是那些毫不费力又能愉悦身心的事我们都喜欢做,但这些习惯限制人们的观念,而且一旦根深蒂固就会带来消极的影响。 Youtube心理学频道 《Better Leaf好叶》 则整合了哈佛大学的一项研究,并拍摄一条YouTube片段名叫 「9个让你变穷的原因」 ,点击更破百万。更有网民指出:「越看越心虚...」,而当中更提到以下9个原因,原来都是来自身的习惯: 一、犹豫不决 哈佛大学的研究指出,和「牆头草」一样摇摆不定的人,往往都有较大机会失败。原因是他们会比那些能够作出坚定决定的人会将他们比下去。 而且作出坚定决定的人会相信自己的决定,而会更努力地勇往直前。著名哲学家Alfred North Whitehead曾说过:「畏惧错误就是毁灭进步。」 二、喜欢拖延 不少人在做事时都会出现拖延症症状,但很多时候拖延只是因为逃避问题或是懒惰的缘故,更会把困难放大因而却步。另外,不少人亦会为自己的拖延找藉口,例如是:工作太无聊、隔一天再做也没所谓、上司要求太严苛等等,让自己陷入愈来愈不愿意做事的困境中,变得更加消极。而著名思想家罗曼・罗兰曾说过:「懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它让你以为那是安逸、是休息、是福气;但是实际上它所给你的是是无聊、是倦怠、是消沉。」 三、做事三分钟热度 世上有80%的失败都是源于半途而废,三分钟热度的人不过是从来没有体验到坚持做到最后而成功的喜悦。其实每一个人在坚持的过程中也是枯燥又充满挫折,没有人是不同。 2019 年畅销书《原子习惯》的作者詹姆斯‧克利尔提到,其实将複利的概念套在习惯养成上,藉由一天天细微的进步,累积巨大的改变,所以这就是成功人士的不同。 四、害怕拒绝 大部分人际关係中,让人感受到挫败的就是与「被拒绝」有关。例如:被朋友背叛、向人示好但得不到友善的回应等等。 害怕被拒绝的人往往都把自己的自尊心看得比较重,过于关注别人对自己的态度,而不是事情的成果,因此也较难以得到成功。 五、自我设限 失败者在付出努力去完成事情前,都会想出很多原因来否定自己,甚至找了一堆不付出努力的理由。他们会为自己的成就设下了一个「心理高度」,让自己觉得做不到某些事情、只把事情做得差不多就可以,以阻挡失败带来的挫败感,但这也同时